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Quality House Publications
Fiction and Nonfiction
Feature Fiction Publication
"The St. Augustine Affair"
Novelist , philanthropist ...
and undercover agent for
Catholic Relief Charities!
Heather St. Marie
Governess for Alex and Nicole Benedict,
(orphans of NASA scientist Levka Benedict
and concert-pianist Tanya Benedict)...
and Catholic Relief Charities undercover agent!
The St. Augustine Affair is based on Iran's commitment to obtain nuclear weapons and annihilate Israel, the United States, and the Civilized Western World!

Jade Monarch

Night Balloon
Night Skydive

Heather St. Marie

NASA Satellite Launch

Beechcraft Baron

Tampa AMTRAK Suite

"Song of America" Cruise Ship
Don CeSar Resort, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
"A World of Imagination
Where Dreams Come True!"
Coming Soon
"Project Gemini"
NonFiction Publications
"The Kid with the Golden Glove"
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